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Connect to your spiritual self


Download, print and reuse 'Vibe High' PDF.


How to Use:


  1. Print a copy
  2. Start by completing your mood tracker, date and note down the crystal you're drawn to today
  3. Consider your affirmation for the day and take note of this. Affirmations work best as "I am" or "I will" statements e.g. I am enough
  4. Consider which Chakra needs attention; does your crystal connect with a chakra? Are you feeling voiceless or unable to communicate - perhaps you need to be conscious of your throat chakra
  5. What is your intention for today? How would you like this day to work for you?
  6. Inner Child Needs - what does your inner child need to hear today? E.g. "It's not your fault"; "you are not alone"
  7. Where is your higher self directing yourself to? What message is your guide sending you? What are you hearing or sensing from the universe?
  8. Practise gratitude - what are you thankful for today


Utilising the Vibe High download gives you an opportunity to reflect on your spiritual journey. E.g. is there a particular time of the month when you're drawn to a certain crystal or your inner child needs a certain message? It also allows you to think ahead while still practising the art of the here and now.


Have any questions? Connect with me @mindfulmessagesni or

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